IKONOM Ltd. is a Bulgarian company based in Kazanlak accounting company began operations in 1991 as ET Vanya Staneva – HOUSEKEEPING. ” With increasing demand for skilled assistance in the processing of accounting information in 1997 has been created “IKONOM LTD. In the same year the company was included in the register of specialist audit firms under number 044 of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ACCA).
Chartered accountants in the company – Vania Staneva – Diploma No. 0171 and George Kuyumdjiev – Diploma No. 243, registered auditors in the ICPA and have extensive experience in performing financial audit and prepare annual financial statements.
Staff in the company are assistant auditors and accountants with appropriate qualifications and experience.
Our ambition is to maintain high professional competence and be flexible to the needs of a variety of auditing and accounting services. We believe that our good knowledge of accounting, tax, labor and commercial laws are a prerequisite to providing our customers high quality services.
In our office you can communicate in English, French and German.