IKONOM Ltd provides professional auditing services in accordance with national law or by choice, such statements are prepared following accounting databases:
– International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);
– National Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium Enterprises (NFRSSME) adopted in Bulgaria;
We provide:
1. Compulsory financial audit of the separate and consolidated financial statements;
2. Mutual Financial Audit – financial audit at the request of management or owners of the company;;
3. Agreed audit procedures:
– Verification of the elements of financial statements;
– Verification of accounting records;
– Other.
4.Obligatory audit in connection with the transformation of commercial companies.
5. Audit EU projects
6. Audits.
Services may be provided in the office of IKONOM Ltd. either at the client. We use modern methods of data – digital signature, Internet banking, Internet contact with customers.
We provide:
1. Organization of accounting;
2. Consultations in accounting policy choice;
3. Subscription accounting;
4. Preparation of annual financial statements;
5. Preparation of interim financial statements;
6. Preparation of annual returns;
7. Accounting advice;
8. Representation by proxy before tax, customs, state and municipal authorities, banking institutions;.
9. Develop business plans;
10. Periodic monitoring of junior accounting staff;
11. Practical training of accountants.
1. Preparation of annual tax returns;
2. Preparation of monthly VAT declarations;
3. Tax advice;
4. Accredited Representative VAT
IKONOM Ltd provides the following professional services accounting Labour and Social Security:
1. Preparation of employment contracts and declared;
2. Drafting contracts of the professions and management contracts;
3. Preparation of monthly payroll;
4. Preparation of statements for insured persons and their submission to the NRA;
5. Preparation of annual statements of income of individuals.
Translation from Bulgarian and Bulgarian documents from government institutions, business correspondence, technical texts.
Legalization of translations of official documents.
Independent audit of financial statements prepared in accordance with applicable standards – International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or the National Standards for Small and Medium Enterprises (NSMSP).
Audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with applicable standards – IFRS or NSMSP.
Accounting services and business consulting.
Tax and legal advice
Social and health insurance
Practical training of accountants at the individual program for operating accountants or preparers of financial statements